Aircraft Liens: Protecting Yourself

A lien on an airplane means a third party has an ownership interest in it. Never buy an airplane without proof there are no outstanding liens.

Ask a Tech: Oil Cooler Upkeep

Just because it isn’t leaking oil doesn’t mean it’s doing its job. Proactive cleaning or replacement is worth the effort and expense.

Autopilot Repairs: Parts Obsolescence

Don’t throw good money after bad on major repairs to aging autopilots—or pay full price for a used airplane with one that hasn’t been upgraded.

Reader Correspondence—March 2025

Firing your flight instructor I found Rick Durden’s article “Upgrading Yourself: Make a Training Plan” in the February 2025 Aviation Consumer on point, except for the one-page sidebar: “Fire Your Instructor.” While I agree with...

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Light Sport Aircraft Step-Downs: RV-12iS Flight Trial

In an insurance market that's pushing older pilots out of complex airplanes, a worthy alternative to hanging up the wings for good could be stepping down into the world of Light Sport Aircraft.